Check out this fun site where Erik Trinidad at Fancy Fast Food recreates fine dining entirely from items found at various fast food chains.
No idea how they taste, but they look quite impressive!
His repertoire is extensive (and strangely makes me use French words that made it into the English language)....a few favorites:
A beef carpaccio from Arby's (the Beef C’Arbysscio)
an Ossobucco creation from Burger King, the Osso BuKko
His descriptions often match his creations in their humor and creativity. In describing how to make the Soniccian Borscht, he writes:
Soniccian culture still hasn’t evolve from some of its former Soviet routines; one can not simply buy these fast food goods off the shelf or by ordering them from a person behind a counter. Instead you must order the items the old-fashioned way, by pushing a button on an antiquated intercom system while inside your vehicle. (At certain times during the day, there are often long waits in a long queue of other vehicles.) This ordering process is prevalent in Soniccia; even if you wish to go on foot and walk to the food establishment to buy goods, you must still push a button and order from the old intercom system. Only when your order is confirmed over the speaker does a person bring you your items — sometimes (but not always) using vintage roller skates from the early 20th century. Present day Soniccia is truly a unique nation with its cultural idiosyncracies.
I'm craving a little Chicken Chipotlioli....Enjoy!