Hütte Decor
Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 8:00
Frau A in Alps, Germany & German Culture, design, hütte

We've noticed that there's an interesting and special type of decor in southern Bavaria and northern Austria...most commonly found in the ski and hiking areas.

Basically, it consists of covering the inside walls with as many random things (usually flowers and kitchen items) and dead animals as possible, and mounting the skulls/antlers of your kills on the outside walls. Not sure if the antlers on the outer walls is for decoration or show of hunting prowess, but we see it often.

Here are a few of our favorites:

We start with lots of wood panelling and built-ins. Then add some random trinkets and as many small deer-type skulls as you can fit.


The larger antlers should be hung outside for everyone to see.


And a big "Beware of Dog" sign is also helpful


Then add as many stuffed animals as possible, preferrably mounted engaging in Alpine activities, such as....



   hiking, and skiing.


A diorama of farm life will fit well in any corner, and it's always good to pose the animals looking like rabid beasts.


And finally....one of my favorites....a lovely heart-shaped flower arrangement. Notice anything different about it?


It took me a while to realize, they'd incorporated snails into the arrangement. I'm not sure why, but here it works.

Article originally appeared on Schnitzelbahn - Food, Travel, and Adventures in Germany (http://www.schnitzelbahn.com/).
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