Morning Observations
Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 18:55
Frau A in man purses

This morning we went for a really early (predawn departure) morning photowalk through Munich's Olympiapark.

After a few hours of walking, we stopped at Woerner's for a nice filling weisswurst breakfast. Munich at 8am on a weekend is pretty wonderful - there is some movement, but most people are still in bed and it's a peaceful time. It's also early enough to get prime seats in some of the restaurants and cafes!

As their outside tables weren't out yet, we secured a prime table by an open window overlooking Marienplatz (Woerner's cafe is a level up).

You'll always see some strange things if you watch the people on Marienplatz long enough. This morning, it was a man with a small trailer behind his bike. From our distant view, the trailer looked like a glass display case with a statue of Jesus.  He then parked his bike and trailer in front of the Rathaus, set up a video camera and began recieving guests.

Luckily Herr J had his 600mm effective lens and we could spy on the proceedings down below. Definitely not Jesus, but we're still at a loss for why this guy was towing around a glass cases with a sawdust statue of a woman in it.  He seemed to have several friends meet him out there, so there must have been some significance and interesting back story...

What we did realize was how handy Herr J's stealth lens is....Since he's using the  micro 4/3 standard, his 600mm lens weighs in at 1 lb and a tiny fraction of the price of the 11 lb, $10,000 behemoth lens Nikon offers for my camera. Plus, it fits easily in the man purse!

Article originally appeared on Schnitzelbahn - Food, Travel, and Adventures in Germany (
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